Roma, the Eternal City is Rama, the Universal Deity: Solving the Mystery Behind Rome's Name
Sunday, September 16, 2018
The Monteleone Chariot of Italy Depicts Rama and Ravana’s Confrontation: Part I
‘ There is no subject, in which we must proceed with more caution than in tracing the history of the arts and sciences ; lest we assign cau...
Monday, September 10, 2018
Wherefore Art Thou Ramnes? The Eastern Origins of the Roman Tribal Name: Part II
The interconnectedness of the Semitic and Indo-European worlds in the first millennium BC helps explain why the word ‘Rama’ was universally...
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Wherefore Art Thou Ramnes? The Eastern Origins of the Roman Tribal Name: Part I
“From whom, and for what reason the great name of Rome, so famous among mankind, was given to that city, writers are not agreed.” ( Plutar...
Thursday, October 2, 2014
The Etruscan City of Volterra is Sanskrit Veladhri, or Mountainous Coastal Town
The actual name of one of Tuscany's most famous tourist destinations was Velathri or Felathri in the Early Iron Age (~750 B.C.), which ...
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